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Fitness Hygiene Literacy

Finance resources for healthy startups

Just like your personal health, your business's financial health depends on good habits and a consistent routine.

Scroll down to get in shape!

Financial hygiene (2)

Illustration: Financial model portrayed as football playbook

5 min read

How a startup financial model can boost your business: A monthly playbook

The learning curve is always steep when you’re starting a new business from scratch. You don’t always know which marketing channels will be effective, which product features should be built first, or the order in which you should hire your key...
How a Startup Budget Helps Keep - Featured image

7 min read

How a startup budget helps keep your business accountable

As a founder, you’re probably familiar with this common myth: With hard work and dedication, any entrepreneur can turn their business into a success story.
Concrete Steps to Help You Prepare - Featured image

7 min read

Concrete steps to help you prepare for (and survive) the economic downturn

Economists are currently debating whether or not we are in a downturn. Most agree that if we are not there yet, it is coming.
Illustration: Calendar reminder to update financial model

6 min read

Why you should update your financial model (and how to do it)

Your research is complete, and you have built a financial model that tells a great story about your startup. You’ve shared the model with investors, and it’s helping with your fundraising.
8 Financial Model Best Practices - Featured image

6 min read

8 financial model best practices for startup founders

A great financial model is critical for every startup. It allows you to get a glimpse of your future financial data. It allows you to make better decisions, and understand the impact those decisions will have over time.
3 Cash Planning Mistakes Founders Make - Featured image

3 min read

3 cash planning mistakes founders make

According to Investopedia, about 90% of startup companies fail, nearly 30% within the first two years alone.
How to Build the Ultimate Revenue Formula - Featured image

2 min read

How to build the ultimate revenue formula

As founders, almost every action we execute supports maximizing revenue, whether directly through sales or indirectly through our mission and values.
Top 5 SaaS Analytics Tools to Grow Your Startup - Featured image

2 min read

Top 5 SaaS Analytics Tools to Grow Your Startup

Here at Forecastr, we constantly preach the importance of understanding your growth metrics to forecast the future. Marketing analytics provide critical understanding behind your growth strategy to pave the way for long-term vision. Armed with this...

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