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Fitness Hygiene Literacy

Finance resources for healthy startups

Just like your personal health, your business's financial health depends on good habits and a consistent routine.

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Illustration: Financial model portrayed as race car

4 min read

How financial models save time and money: An analogy

In the epic drama of running an early-stage startup, a financial model is like a trusty sidekick.
Top 5 Softwares to Raise Capital - Featured image

3 min read

Top 5 Softwares to Raise Capital for a Startup Business

If you’re a typical founder, your average day probably looks something like this: Wake up, shower (hopefully), eat, raise capital, panic, raise capital, eat (hopefully), raise capital. Wake up and do it again tomorrow.
How a Startup Budget Helps Keep - Featured image

7 min read

How a startup budget helps keep your business accountable

As a founder, you’re probably familiar with this common myth: With hard work and dedication, any entrepreneur can turn their business into a success story.
Concrete Steps to Help You Prepare - Featured image

7 min read

Concrete steps to help you prepare for (and survive) the economic downturn

Economists are currently debating whether or not we are in a downturn. Most agree that if we are not there yet, it is coming.
5 Inspiring Series A Funding Success Stories - Featured image

4 min read

5 Inspiring series a funding success stories: 2022 edition

2022 has been weird. Thankfully, halfway through the year, the moment remains hot for start-ups seeking Series A funding.
Illustration: Investor pipeline portrayed as plumbing pipes

9 min read

Raising capital? Here’s how to build the ultimate investor pipeline

Raising capital is often the single most important challenge facing early-stage startup founders. It’s a daunting task, and it’s one that can keep founders awake at night, even when there’s plenty of VC money in the marketplace.
Community Round: Why Settle for 1 Angel - Featured image

5 min read

Community round: Why settle for 1 angel when you can have a choir?

Over the past few years, the business of raising startup capital has changed drastically. Round valuations have skyrocketed, and people have started closing investments without ever meeting in person.
Illustration: Calendar reminder to update financial model

6 min read

Why you should update your financial model (and how to do it)

Your research is complete, and you have built a financial model that tells a great story about your startup. You’ve shared the model with investors, and it’s helping with your fundraising.
Build a Revenue model in Excel

7 min read

How To Build a Financial Model in Excel: Pro Tips from Expert CFOs

A solid financial model is a necessity for any founder who wants to raise funds or optimize their business operations. A well-crafted model helps you make better decisions, impress investors, and see a glimpse of your financial future.
Founder at base of mountain representing Series A funding - Featured

16 min read

Series A Funding Guide for Founders: How To Lock In the Big Round

No moment is more critical in the growth of an early-stage startup than when the founders roll up their sleeves and begin the process of raising their Series A funding.

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